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Mbyllet me sukses faza finale e projektit "Astrotourism - fostering STEM and SDG!
Partnerë të projektit: STEMLab , EDU Act Albania, STEM akademija, dhe Universi
Mbështetur nga: Western Balkans Fund

We are pleased to inform you that from April 1, 2023 the implementation of the "Astrotoursim - fostering STEM and SDG" project begins, which aims to provide an alternative, educational approach to topics that are important for the education of new generations, such as environmental protection, SDG, STEM, innovation in entrepreneurship, and astronomy. 

This project, supported by the Western Balkans Fund  and the European Union (EU), will be released in cooperation with

  • 🇧🇦 STEM akademija  🇦🇱 EDU Act  🇽🇰 Universi  🇲🇰 STEMLab

    the final phase of the project, a joint action framework will be formulated, and a position paper will be signed by the organizations participating in the project.

    #stem, #sdg, #astrotourism, #astronomy, #tourism, #stemeducation

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Me 3 Prill 2023 u mbajtë takimi i parë i koordinatorëve të projektit "Astrotourism - fostering STEM and SDG", i cili mbështetet nga Western Balkans Fund dhe European Union (EU). 
Ky projekt është partneritet i katër institucioneve nga katër shtete të ndryshme:

🇲🇰STEMLab  🇧🇦STEM akademija  🇦🇱EDU Act  🇽🇰Universi

Western Balkans Fund Regional Grant Scheme is co-funded by the European Union, IPA – Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance.

#WesternBalkansFund #EU #astrotourismfosteringSTEMandSDG, #STEM, #sdgs, #astrotourism, #education, #stemnmk, #stemnorthmacedonia

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